- Call to Order
- Presidents Welcome
- Introductions and Declarations of Conflict
- Agenda Discussion and Approval
- Approval of Minutes
- Statutory Committees
- Council Committees
- Governance Committee
- Human Resources Committee
- Quality Assurance Committee - Dr. Kriel
- Advertising Review Committee - Dr. Zimmer
- Discussion Possible Changes to Standard
- ARC Standard
- Discussion of Online Search Review
- Advertising Review Committee - Dr. Zimmer
- Audit Committee - Jerod Orb
- Strategic Plan Activity
- Legislation and Sustainability Supporting the Vision and Mission
- Regulation
- DDA, SOHP MOU - Dr. White
- Regulatory Bylaws - Dr.White
- Regulatory Affiliation, Enhancement
- National Affiliations
- CDRAF - Dr. Stevens/Dr.White
- PGY1 Committee
- NDEB - Dr. Fuchs
- CDA - Dr. Prestie
- Orthodontist Association Advertisement
- Future of Dentistry Update, steering committee - Jerod Orb
- CDAC - Discussion
- Registrars, CEO's Meeting - Dr. White
- Password to site is "meetingCA2016"
- CDRAF - Dr. Stevens/Dr.White
- Provincial Affiliations
- College of Dentistry, U of S - Dr.Brothwell
- Dental Assisting/Hygiene programs, SK Polytechnic - Discussion
- Award - Funding Request
- Agenda October 2017 Meeting
- New SK Polytechnic Rep
- NIRO - Jerod Orb
- National Affiliations
- Sustainability
- Strategic Plan - Discussion
- Pandemic/Disaster Planning - Discussion
- Administrative Policy
- Committees - Dr.Kriel
- AGM Agenda - Dr. Krainyk
- Office Management
- Finance/Budget - Jerod Orb
- Facility/Database/Communications
- Communications Committee
- Website
- Newsletter
- Communications Committee
- Regulation
- Supporting Healthy Members
- Members Professional Health - Dr. Kriel
- Continued Education and Learning - Dr. Thomson
- CDSS Oral Health Conference - Mr.Korte
- Confidential Councillor Contact Program - Dr.Kriel
- CDA Professional Support Services
- Members General Health
- Fitness to Practice Support - Dr.Thomson
- CDA Insurance Support Services
- Recognition of Service - Dr.Kriel
- CDSS Awards - Discussion
- Members Economic Health, Sustainability
- CDSS/Government Fee Guides and Third-Party Payers - Dr.Graham
- CDSS Wage Surveys
- CDSS Economic Surveys
- Provider Workforce
- Generalists/Specialists
- U of S, College of Dentistry
- CDSS/COD Mentorship Program - Jerod Orb
- Sask Polytechnic/Dental Assistants - Jerod Orb
- Members Professional Health - Dr. Kriel
- Supporting Healthy Publics
- Regulatory Policy
- CDSS Professional Practice Standards - Dr.Krainyk
- Population Oral Health Leadership/Liason
- Government/Health Region - Dr.Kriel
- Saskatchewan Oral Health Coalition - Jerod Orb
- Health Region Facility Accreditation/Privileges/Standards - Dr.White
- Public Education
- Institutional Advertising/Oral Health Promotion - Jerod Orb
- Dental Health Month
- Ask the Expert
- Radio/TV
- Social Media
- Regulatory Policy
- Legislation and Sustainability Supporting the Vision and Mission